"Accused: The Vindication of Myra Richardson" is an incredibly sad and powerful documentary directed and produced by Ted Mangan, a respected filmmaker from Allentown, Pennsylvania. His film is based upon Richardson's book, THE INNOCENT MOLESTER, which tells the true story of an African-American high school teacher falsely accused of sexually violating a minor child named Tiffany Smiley, a student from the high school known as Sullivan House. The documentary premiered at The Beverly Arts Center in Chicago on September 25th, 2011. During a Q&A and book signing with Richardson and Mangan after the film, Richardson warned the audience that the blatant and cruel abuse of teachers by administrators, might one day cause death and make headlines. Approximately 2 months later on Thanksgiving Day, an Illinois teacher named Mary Eve Thorson would intentionally stand in the path of an oncoming semi-truck. Her suicide would impact hundreds of teachers across the country.
Myra Richardson would never have fathomed that the pain she'd endured at the hands of an administrator, would prepare her to tell Mary Eve's story in the form of a documentary. The film, DYING TO TEACH: The Killing of Mary Eve Thorson, "Educators Who Bully" was requested by the Save Our Schools organization for its conference in Washington, DC, on August 3rd, 2012. To watch the film's introduction in Washington simply enter this link: https://vimeo.com/48815104. To view the documentary about the death of Mary Eve Thorson, please enter the link below. If possible, pass the link along to a teacher! Thank-you, stay safe, and be happy!
DYING TO TEACH: The Killing of Mary Eve Thorson